Human Trafficking is the abuse of children, women, and men for their bodies and labor. It's modern-day slavery.
Human Trafficking does NOT discriminate.
Age - Race - Gender
Unfortunately none of that matters when it comes to human trafficking.
Florida is #3 in the nation for trafficking victims
89% of kids who go into foster care are trafficked
To End Human Trafficking ....
We MUST acknowledge it is REAL, and happening NOW in your community....
We have a vision to save lives, break the cycle, and restore sex trafficking's called Serenity Farms.
Join us in the Fight.
"They are born one at a time, they die one at a time,
so we reach them one at a time."
- Mother Teresa
Our 2-year program will provide a safe home for girls to live, heal, restore, and restart.
We provide food, shelter, healthcare, therapy, and job training at zero cost for the survivor.
Girls that are survivors of sex trafficking and abuse Young girls that have become pregnant with nowhere to go
Girls that feel alone, forgotten, and afraid
What We Do
We have a 2-year program that gives them a home with a family-like environment.
- Providing shelter, food and clothing
- Therapies such as AA & NA
- One on One Therapy
- Garden Therapy
- Animal-Therapy
- Art Therapy
- Counseling
- Life Coaching
- Setting New Goals
- Parenting Skills
- Communication Techniques
- Support for Job Finding
- They get to see life and family modeled
Serenity Orchards Marketplace
We also will provide a way for them to begin to save money to get their own place.
80% of their income is put into savings to use for a fresh start with a new home and job.
World wide over 800,000 children go missing a year
There are over 20 million children missing worldwide right now
U.S.A is the #1 consuming country in the world of sex and labor trafficking
It’s not just little girls, it’s young boys, women, men-all ages, races, and genders
California is #1, Texas is #2 and Florida is #3 in the nation for trafficking victims
89% of kids who go into foster care are trafficked
60% of recruiting is happening online
We can be a safe place they can call home
A place they can begin to heal, and trust again
We are rebuilding from the inside out because we believe every life matters and has a purpose
Every person deserves a chance to love and be loved. But they must have hope and feel lovable first!!
That’s where this story begins... won’t you be a part of rewriting their story?
How you can help?
They represent NEW BEGINNINGS to these girls.
Providing guidance for better choices to build their self-worth and a chance for a future